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ACS - Referencing Guide

Safety Data Sheets, Software, Program Code, and Technical Reports and Bulletins.


Safety Data Sheets

The elements to be included in an SDS citation are:

  • The chemical name as the title with all words capitalised,
  • The CAS Registry Number (CAS RN),
  • A manufacturer’s identifier such as a stock, product, or catalog number,
  • The revision or version number,
  • The manufacturer name,
  • Location of manufacturer, and
  • Full date of the last revision of the SDS.
  • If the SDS was obtained from a source other than the manufacturer, include the source name.

Software & Program Code

Software - standalone programs that do not require any special programming environment for their use.

Program code - code modules or scripts that are not included with standard software and are designed to be run as part of a larger programming environment, for example. R, Python, Excel, etc.

Any software or program code used during your research, such as to generate or analyse data, should be referenced.

Technical Reports & Bulletins

Include the report number if there is one, and pagination if applicable.

Italicise the report title, unless it is part of a larger work. If so, the title of the larger work is italicised instead (as if citing a book chapter).




Standard format for citation - Safety Data Sheets

Title; CAS Registry Number; product stock or catalog number; version number; Manufacturer: Location of Company, YYYY-MM-DD. URL (accessed YYYY-MM-DD). 


Standard format for citation - Software & Program Code

Author 1; Author 2; …; Author 10; et al. Software or Program Title, version or edition; Publisher: Place of Publication, Year. DOI or URL (accessed YYYY-MM-DD).


Standard format for citation - Technical Reports & Bulletins

Author 1; Author 2; …; Author 10; et al. Title of Report or Bulletin; Technical Report or Bulletin Number; Publisher: Place of Publication, date, pagination. DOI or URL (accessed YYYY-MM-DD).


Safety Data Sheets

1. o-Xylene; CAS RN: 95-47-6; 95660; ver 6.7; Sigma-Aldrich: Bayswater, Victoria, Australia, 2024-03-22. (accessed 2024-05-28).

2. Polylactic Acid; CAS RN: 26100-51-6; 38534; ver. 5.3; Sigma-Aldrich: St. Louis, MO, 2016-02-08. Retrieved from Chemical Safety. (accessed 2019-10-07).


3. Grossfield, A. WHAM: The Weighted Histogram Analysis Method, ver. 2.0.11. (accessed 2024-06-04).

4. Mathematica, ver. 11.3; Wolfram Research Inc.: Champaign, IL, 2018.

Program Code

5. Steinmann, C. qfitlib-1.0.4, ver. 1.0.4. GitHub, 2015. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14949

6. Idé, J. PeriodicTable: Periodic Table of the Elements, ver. 0.1.2. Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), 2017. (accessed 2019-09-09).

Technical Reports & Bulletins

7. McKinnell, S. Atmospheric and Oceanic Extrema in 2015 and 2016 and Their Effect on North American Salmon; Technical Report No. 37; Pacific Salmon Commission: Vancouver, Canada, 2017. (accessed 2019-03-15).

8. Foley, N. K.; Jaskula, B. W.; Piatak, N. M.; Schulte, R. F. Beryllium, Professional Paper 1802-E. In Critical Mineral Resources of the United States: Economic and Environmental Geology and Prospects for Future Supply; Schulz, K. J., DeYoung, J. H., Jr., Seal, R. R., II, Bradley, D. C., Eds.; U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper No. 1802; U.S. Geological Survey: Reston, VA, 2017. DOI: 10.3133/pp1802E

9. Griffin, E. A.; Verboom, W. H.; Allen, D. G. Paired Site Sampling for Soil Carbon Estimation: Western Australia; National Carbon Accounting System Technical Report No. 38; Australian Government, Australian Greenhouse Office: Canberra, Australia, 2003, pp 125-136. (accessed 2023-04-04).

Reference List Entries