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ACS - Referencing Guide

Citing Personal Communications

Citing Personal Communications

Personal communications include

  • AI generated text e.g. Copilot (if you are using generative AI to assist with your assignment).
  • electronic bulletin boards
  • emails
  • interviews
  • letters
  • memos
  • messages from discussion lists
  • online chats
  • personal interviews
  • telephone conversations
  • text messages

 Cite personal communications in the text of your document in the same manner as any other source.

 It is recommended that permission is sought from the source/author of a personal communication if you wish to include quotes in your text.


Personal communications (in text)

In a conversation with a colleague from the School of Molecular Science34 ...

As stated in a letter from B.J. Saul, in July 200235 ...

See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, books, book chapters, and web pages.