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AGLC - Referencing Guide

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Referencing Style Guides

Other Referencing Guides:


Author-date styles:

APA - Criminology, Education, Environmental Sciences, Nursing, Philosophy, Psychology, Tourism

Chicago - Business & Governance, Transition Units, Multidisciplinary

MLA - English


Notational styles:

ACS - Chemistry

AGLC - Law

Footnote - Humanities, Social Sciences

IEEE - Computer Science, Electronics, Engineering, Information Technology

SBL - Theology

Vancouver - Biomedicine, Health Sciences, Veterinary Sciences

Rule 2.2.2 Law Report Series Hierarchy

Rule 2.2.2 Law Report Series Hierarchy

The authorised version of the report should always be used where available.

The version of a case to be cited should follow the preference order below (from top to bottom):

Version Examples
Authorised report CLR, FCRNSWLR, VR,WAR
Generalist unauthorised report ALR, AJLR, FLR, ACTR
Subject-specific unauthorised report A Crim R, ACSR, IR, IPR
Unreported (medium neutral citation) HCA, FCA, NSWSC, VSC
Unreported (no medium neutral citation) See rule 2.3.2


Assigment Resources

The Library's Assignment Help Guide will assist in planning your assignment.

The Assignment Planner will keep you on track.

Try using EndNote to manage your references (add the AGLC EndNote Style).

Note: EndNote has a number of issues with AGLC.
Make a Plain Text Copy as a final step and manually edit the Word document into Headings.
See the EndNote Tips page for more information on EndNote v AGLC.


Word Tips

Insert Footnotes

Word inserts a reference mark in the text and adds the footnote at the bottom of the page.

1.   Click where you want to add the footnote.

2.   Select References > Insert Footnote.

3.   Type the footnote text.

4.   To return to your place in your document, double-click the footnote mark.

Shortcut:   Ctrl+Alt+F to insert a footnote.

A more detailed explanation can be accessed from How to Add a Footnote to Microsoft Word

Exclude Footnotes in Word Count

Step 1:

Select Word Count Tool from the status bar in the bottom left of your document.

You can count words, lines, paragraphs, and pages.

Step 2:

Uncheck the box to NOT include footnotes and reference list

Alphabetise List


Always refer to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation when completing your work.