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AGLC - Referencing Guide

Web Pages; Blog Posts

Rule 7.15 Internet Materials

  Include author only if indicated on the web page cited

  Document types include 'Blog Post', 'Forum Post', etc. Where document type is unclear, use 'Web Page'

  Include latest update date of web page. Use date of creation if no update date. If no date, omit full date

  Pinpoints are not usually included on web pages

 Author , ' Document Title ',  Web Page Title  ( Document Type ,  Full Date )  Pinpoint  < URL >.


Standard format for citation

   AA Author , ' Document Title ',  Web Page Title  ( Document Type ,  Full Date )  Pinpoint  < URL >.


Standard format for bibliography

   Author, AA , ' Document Title ',  Web Page Title  ( Document Type ,  Full Date )


Footnote Examples

1 'James Edelman', High Court of Australia (Web Page) <>.

2 Martin Clark, 'Koani v The Queen', Opinions on High (Blog Post, 18 October 2017) <>, archived at <>.

See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, books, and web pages.