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Footnote - Referencing Guide

Citation Examples

Citation Examples

Two or Three Authors
Where a work has two or three authors, their names are separated by and:

1.    John Conrad and James W. Merritt, "Variant Specific Epitopes of Giardia Lamblia", Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 42, no. 1 (1990): 125-32.

2.    Solène Rougier Jose G. Montoya, and François Peyron, "Lifelong Persistence of Toxoplasma Cysts: A Questionable Dogma?," Trends in Parasitology 33, no. 2 (February 2017): 93-101.

More Than Three Authors
For works having more than three authors, a note citation should give the name of the first-listed author followed by et al. or and others.

Chapter Within An Edited Work
Chapter titles are enclosed in quotation marks and ed. precedes the names of the editor(s):

3.    H. J. Oliver, "Lawson and Furphy," in The Literature of Australia, ed. Geoffrey Dutton (Ringwood, VIC: Penguin, 1964), 288-305.

Newspaper Articles
References to items in newspapers must include the date, month (often abbreviated) and year. The name of the section should be included, if given:

4.    Marian Wilkinson, "Life After the Lodge," The Weekend Australian, July 30-31, 1994, Focus section.

Scriptural Works
A citation to a scriptural work does not include page numbers and is usually confined to a text reference in brackets:

...(Heb. 13.8 New English Bible)...

or details are given in a note:

5.    2 Kings 11.8 (Revised Standard Version).

These entries are not listed in the bibliography.

Entry in an Encyclopaedia
When referring to a well-known alphabetically arranged work such as an encyclopaedia, cite the title, edition if not the first, then the letters s.v followed by the term or phrase consulted (s.v. stands for sub verso, 'under the word'):

6.    New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. "fungi."

Page numbers included

 Include page, chapter, paragraph or section numbers in the footnote if you need to be specific. 

1.    Stuart Macintyre and Anna Clark, The History Wars (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2003), 4.


See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, books and web pages.