• This page includes information on both reproducing previously published images in your own work and on referring to visual materials without including a reproduction.
• All images, referred to in the text or reproduced in an essay, assignment or presentation, must be cited and included in your reference list.
• Please note that permission may be required to reproduce an image and include it in your own work. For more information about copyright, the use of images, and open-access sources of images, please go to Copyright Matters. See also Chicago Manual of Style 3.30: Sources and permissions.
• See also In Text Citation.
• If you include a reproduction of an image in your work, these are referred to as Figures or Illustrations. They require an in-text citation, a Caption with a figure number, a Footnote, and an entry in the Bibliography. Place the figure in the text as soon as possible after the first text reference to it. Refer to figures in-text by their figure number, e.g. figure 1, or (fig. 1). Note: The abbreviation to fig. is used only for in-text citations placed within brackets (parenthetical in-text citations).
Standard format for citation
Photographs, paintings, and other works of art:
Artist or Creator, A. Title of work or description. Date of creation or completion. Information about medium. Location of original (if appropriate). URL if consulted online. |
Images/Figures/Illustrations from a book and reproduced in your work: Bibliography entry
(Note: if your figure is from a source other than a book, amend the bibliography entry style to suit your source.
Author or Creator, A. Title of Publication: Subtitle. Publisher, Year of publication. |
Images/Figures/Illustrations from another publication and reproduced in your work: Caption below figure in-text
Figure Number. Title or Description, Year (if relevant). |
Images/Figures/Illustrations from another publication reproduced in your work: Footnote
Note number. Author First Name Surname, Title of Publication: Subtitle (Publisher, Year of publication), Page(s), illustration type and number. |
Online Image
Heimans, Ralph. Gloves Off (Tom Uren). 1996. Oil paint on canvas. National Portrait Gallery. http://www.portrait.gov.au/portraits/2000.36/gloves-off-tom-uren.
Original image/artwork
Angus, James. Gorilla, Gorilla, Gorilla. 2006. Wood veneers, nylon. Art Gallery of Western Australia.
Image/Figure from another publication and reproduced in your work: Caption (placed below image)
Figure 1. A famous mother pictured with her daughter. 1989.
Image/Figure from another publication and reproduced in your work: Footnote
1. Robert Mapplethorpe, Some Women (Bulfinch Press, 1989), 54, figure 11.
Image/Figure from another publication and reproduced in your work: Bibliography Entry
Mapplethorpe, Robert. Some Women. Bulfinch Press. 1989.