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Footnote - Referencing Guide



You must provide appropriate references when referring to your own work. For students, this applies if you quote or paraphrase any work you have submitted for an assessment in another unit.

This is necessary as all assignments include the following Student Declaration:

Except where indicated, the work I am submitting in this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted for assessment in another unit.

This includes text, figures, or tables copied from a completed assessment in a different Unit without proper acknowledgement of the original source (even if you are the original author).

It is acceptable to use the abbreviation MS for manuscript See CMOS 18: 14.124.


Standard format for citation

Author, A. A. "Title of Assignment: Subtitle if Appropriate," unpublished manuscript, Unit Code: Name of Unit, Name of University, Year.


Assignment from another unit

Jones, Bryan K. “The Importance of Critical Thinking,” unpublished manuscript, BAR100: Academic Learning Skills, Murdoch University, 2016.


See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as assignments, articles, books, and web pages.