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APA - Referencing Guide



All images referred to in the text or reproduced in an essay, assignment or presentation, must be cited and included in your reference list.

For more information about copyright, the use of images and open access sources of images, please go to Copyright Matters.

Access the Citing Images page for guidance on citing images in text.


Standard formats for citation

Image reproduced in a book:

Artist or Creator, A. (Year). Title: Subtitle [medium (if appropriate)]. Reproduced in Full details of book.


Image from a database:

Artist or Creator, A. (Credit). (Year). Title: Subtitle [medium (if appropriate), length of work (if appropriate)]. Publisher.


Online image/artwork:

Artist or Creator, A. (Year). Title: Subtitle [medium (if appropriate)]. Publisher. URL


Original image/artwork (viewed in a gallery or collection):

Artist or Creator, A. (Year). Title: Subtitle [medium (if appropriate)]. Gallery or Collection.


Image/photograph/artwork from a book

Leibovitz, A. (1996). Olympic portraits. Little Brown.

Mapplethorpe, R. (1989). Some women. Bulfinch Press.

Reproduction in a book

Bedford, P. (2001). Dingo dreaming [ochre on canvas]. Reproduced in McCulloch, S., & McCulloch Childs, E. (2008). McCulloch's contemporary Aboriginal art: The complete guide (p.154). McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books.

Image from a book chapter

Ardagna, C. A., Damiani, E., Frati, F., & Madravio, M. (2007). Open-source solution to secure e-government services. In A-V. Anttiroiko & M. Malkia (Eds.), Encyclopedia of digital government (pp. 1300-1305). Idea Group Reference.

Hockley, L. (2008). Science fiction. In G. Creber (Ed.), The television genre book (2nd ed., pp. 36-42). Palgrave Macmillan.

Image from a journal article

Smith, P. J. (2015). Flight of fancy. Sight&Sound, 25(1), 28-31.

Yeh, Q-J., & Xu, X. (2010). The effect of Confucian work ethics on learning about science and technology knowledge and morality. Journal of Business Ethics, 95, 111-128.

Image from a newspaper

Leunig, M. (1995, July 27). Thoughts of a baby lying in a child care centre. The Sydney Morning Herald, p. 24.

Image from a database

Kessel, M. (Director). (1995). The making of a monologue: Robert Wilson's Hamlet [video,1:02:18 mins]. Cinema Guild.

Online image/artwork

Heimans, R. (1996). Gloves off (Tom Uren) [oil paint on canvas]. National Portrait Gallery.

Newbold, C. R. (2014). Can I use that picture? The terms, laws, and ethics for using copyrighted pictures. The Visual Communication Guy.

Nolan, S. (1946). The encounter [enamel paint on composition board]. National Gallery of Australia.

Ryder, M. (2006). Driving action with "values". Archestra.

Online map

Google Maps. (2015, February 5). The British Library, London, UK.  Google.,-0.127676,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x48761b3b70171395:0x18905479de0fdb25

Original image/artwork (viewed in a gallery or collection)

Angus, J. (2006). Gorilla, gorilla, gorilla [wood veneers, nylon]. Art Gallery of Western Australia.

See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, books, images, and web pages.

Reference List Entries

For ease of use, this guide divides reference list entries into different formats.
Select the format you require from the Reference List Entries menu or select from the links below: