• If citing legal material sourced online, a full internet address should be included.
• When citing unreported cases, the year should be enclosed in square brackets.
• When citing legislation, the jurisdiction should be enclosed in round brackets.
• Source commencement / in force date from the Act to indicate which version is referenced
• When citing Hansard, If the speaker holds a position within a ministry or shadow ministry that is particularly relevant, this can be included in the citation.
• Source all Australia legislation (Acts) using Legify
• Source Commonwealth Bills from the Federal Register of Legislation
• Source State Bills from the Parliament links on the Federal Register of Legislation for each State
• Source cases from Jade (free registration using your student email) or AustLII
• How to Source Permanent / Shareable URLs for works sourced from subscription databases
Standard format for citation
Reported case:
Parties Names. Year. Volume (if any) Series Abbreviation Starting Page Number. Internet address, if applicable. |
Unreported case:
Parties Names. [Year]. Unique Court Identifier Judgment Number. Date, Starting Page Number. Internet address, if applicable. |
Title Year (Jurisdiction). Commencement Date. Internet address, if applicable. |
Jurisdiction. House. Year. Parliamentary Debates. Date, Starting Page. Speaker, Relevant Position Title, if applicable. Internet address, if applicable. |
Reported case
Coleman v Richards. 1941. 43 WALR 21.
Unreported case
KJS v The Queen. [2016]. WASC 14, 30. http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/wa/WASC/2016/14.html.
Legislation: Commonwealth
Domicile Act 1982 (Cth). January 25 2019. https://www.legislation.gov.au/Series/C2004A02560.
Legislation: State
Dog Act 1976 (WA). August 27, 2022. https://www.legislation.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/law_a230.html.
Hansard: Commonwealth
Australia. House of Representatives. 2016. Parliamentary Debates. February 29, 2361. Clare O’Neil. http://parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/genpdf/chamber/hansardr/3e7fc91c-2a08-4853-95e3-77e2c5b615c5/0034/hansard_frag.pdf.
Hansard: State
Western Australia. Legislative Council. 2016. Parliamentary Debates. February 25, 821. Col Holt, Minister for Housing. http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Hansard/hansard.nsf/0/15682C5E67E9EC5048257F68001D11B7/$File/C39%20S1%2020160225%20All.pdf.