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A-V Materials


Standard format for A-V Materials

Performer, Presenter, or Creator, A. Year of production. "Title: Subtitle."  Publisher or Production Company. Date recorded or published as Month Day, Year. Format, Duration. URL if sourced online.


Standard format for Podcast episode citation

Presenter, A. Year of copyright. Title of Podcast. Season #, episode # (if applicable). "Title of Episode." Producer or Publisher, Date as Month Day. Podcast, duration. URL.


Standard format for Online Videos

Author, A. A. OR Screen name. Year. "Title of Video." Special credits if necessary (such as original creation date). Posted on Month Day, Year, by YouTube/Vimeo channel name. YouTube OR Vimeo, Duration. URL of specific video.


Note: A performer or presenter is only given principal credit if they are the focus of the recording.

YouTube/Vimeo/TedTalk video

Organisation as an author

NRK. 2007. "Medieval Helpdesk with English Subtitles." Uploaded on February 26, 2007. YouTube video, 2:44 min.

Setrakian, Lara. 2017. "3 Ways to Fix a Broken News Industry." TED Talk, TEDNYC, January. Video, 8min., 37 sec. broken_news_industry#t-521404.

Podcast episode

Ober, Lauren, host. 2022. The Loudest Girl in the World. Season 1, episode 2, “Goodbye, Routine; Hello, Meltdown!” Pushkin Industries, September 13. Podcast, 41 min., 37 sec.

Radio programme

Author full first name provided

Browning, Daniel. 2006. "Black Soccer Heroes." Message Stick. Guest speaker Dr. John Maynard. Aired on June 9, 2006 on ABC Radio, 4 min., 25 sec.

Television programme

Author full first name provided

Masters, Chris. 2006. "Big Fish, Little Fish." Four Corners. Aired March 27, 2006 on ABC Television, 45 min.

DVD recording

Author full first name provided

Moore, Michael. 2003. Bowling for Columbine. Written and directed by Michael Moore. AV Channel. DVD, 120 min.

Sound recordings

Author first names' initials only provided

Bolton, G. C. 1975. Towards an Australian Environmental History (speech). Media Services, Murdoch University (Australia). Cassette recording, 50 min.

Organisation as an author

St. Laurance Chamber Choir. 2005. Commemoration, Ritual and Performance: The Iberian Connection: Medieval and Renaissance Music from the St Laurence Chamber Choir.  Directed by N. McEwan. Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Sydney. Compact disc, 45 min., 24 sec.

Video recording

Author full first name provided

Attenborough, David. 1990. Life on Earth: A Natural History. Produced by Richard Brock and John Sparks. Warner Home Video. Two videocassettes (VHS), 233 min. each.


Cite by the format of the original publication

Bunny, F. 1995. Biology and ecology of Phytophthora citricola in Native Plant Communities Affected By Mining. Minerals and Energy Research Institution of Western Australia. Microfiche.

See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, a-v material, books and web pages.