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Chicago Author-Date (previously Chicago) - Referencing Guide

Book Chapters


These examples are for chapters or parts of edited works in which the chapters or parts have individual titles and author/s, but are included in collections or textbooks edited by others.

If the editors of a work are also the authors of all of the included chapters, then it should be cited as a whole book using the examples given for Books.

The title of the chapter or part and the book title are both given maximal capitalisation.

The title of the chapter or part is enclosed in quotation marks.

If the author of the chapter or part being referenced is also the editor of the book, the full names should be repeated for each role. 


Standard format for citation

Author of Part, A. Year. "Title of Chapter or Part." In Title: Subtitle of Book, Edition, edited by A. Editor and B. Editor. Publisher. URL if applicable.


Chapter from an edited e-book

Author full first name provided

Haight, Robert G., and Paul H. Gobster. 2009. "Social and Economic Considerations for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Large Landscapes." In Models for Planning Wildlife Conservation in Larger Landscapes, edited by Joseph J. Millspaugh and Frank R. Thompson III. Elsevier.

Chapter in an edited print book

Author full first name provided

Dovey, Jon. 2001. "Reality TV." In The Television Genre Book, edited by Glen Creber. British Film Institute.

Rapping, Elayne. 2004. "Aliens, Nomads, Mad Dogs, and Road Warriors: The Changing Face of Criminal Violence on TV." In Reality TV: Remaking Television Culture, edited by Susan Murray and Laurie Ouellette. New York University Press.

Entry in an encyclopaedia/dictionary
When referring to a well-known alphabetically arranged work such as an encyclopaedia or dictionary.
The citation should be incorporated into the text.

Example: "In his article on multiculturalism in the 2003 edition of The Oxford Companion to Australian History, John Lack ...."

These items are not listed in the reference list.

See the All Examples page for examples of in-text and reference list entries for specific resources such as articles, books, book chapters and web pages.