• Course material should not be referenced, unless it contains original material.
Instead, you should go to the original source of the research on which the lecture was based, then cite the original work.
• Use n.d. if no date given on course materials.
• Author names should be given as they appear on the source document.
• Lecture or slide titles are given maximal capitalisation (title case) and are enclosed in quotation marks.
• Unit titles and sub-titles are given maximal capitalisation (title case) and are italicised.
• Lecture titles are enclosed within quotation marks and unit/course titles are italicised
• Add format after title e.g., PowerPoint slides, Lecture notes.
• Include URLs that provide information on where the work was found
• Include the name of the database used to source the material (e.g., Moodle).
Lectures (recordings accessed via LMS):
Lecturer Surname, Name. Year. "Title of Lecture: Subtitle." Unit Code Unit Name. Class lecture recorded at University Name, Location on Month Day, Year, on Moodle, duration. URL. |
PowerPoint slides (accessed via LMS):
Author, Name. Year. "Title of Slide Presentation: Subtitle." Unit Code Unit Name. PowerPoint slides from University Name, Location, Month Day, Year, on Moodle. URL. |
Lectures (recordings accessed via LMS)
Jones, Adam. 2023. "The Business of Healthcare Provision: Strategies for Management." MBS529: Strategic Health Leadership and Management. Class lecture recorded at Murdoch University, Perth Western Australia on April 1, 2023, on Moodle, 37 min. https://moodleprod.murdoch.edu.au/mod/page/view.php?id=1761975
Jones, Adam. 2023. "The Business of Healthcare Provision: Strategies for Management." MBS529: Strategic Health Leadership and Management. Class lecture recorded at Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, April 1, 2023. https://moodleprod.murdoch.edu.au/mod/page/view.php?id=1761975
PowerPoint slides (accessed via LMS)
Brown, Alan. "5 strategies for effective leadership for healthcare provision." MBS529: Strategic Health Leadership and Management. PowerPoint slides from Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, April 1, 2023, on Moodle. https://moodleprod.murdoch.edu.au/mod/page/view.php?id=1761975
For ease of use, this guide divides reference list entries into different formats.
Select the format you require from the Reference List Entries menu or select from the links below: