• Cite documents published on the internet according to the specific guidelines for the type of document. More specific information is available for AI Generated Content, Books, Journal Articles and Reports.
• If no date of publication or revision can be found, use n.d. for the date of publication and include the date of access after the title - see the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed., sec. 14.44, and examples below.
• If no author of the work can be determined, list the work by title. For the in-text citation, a short version of the title (up to four words) may be used - see the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed., sec. 13.81.
• Titles of websites are not italicised - see the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th ed., sec. 14.103.
• If a distinction cannot be made between when a page is from a blog or a website, treat the title like that of a website.
• Reports are cited similarly to Books.
• Do not create a reference for a whole blog, forum or website - instead, reference a specific webpage or post. If a whole blog, forum or website is mentioned in text, with no particular information about that site, provide the name of the site in the text and include the URL in parentheses.
• URLs are usually recorded whole. Do not shorten them using a third-party service such as TinyURL, Bitly, or shortDOI as these can obscure details required to locate the source. Very long URLs, that extend beyond a single line, may be shortened, usually by locating a better version of the link that leads to the same source. Alternatively, if necessary, it is usually acceptable for books and other formally published sources to record the URL for the home page.
Standard format for citation: Webpage
Author, A. A. Year. "Title of Webpage: Subtitle." Title or Description of Website. Internet address. |
Standard format for citation: Blog post
Author, A. A. Year. "Title of Blog Post," Title of Blog: Subtitle (blog), Publisher (if applicable), Month Day. Internet address. |
Standard format for citation: Social media
Creator, A. A. Year. "Title of entry." Title or Publisher (as appropriate), Month Day, Year, Time (if applicable). Internet address. |
Analytics report
Google Analytics. 2017. Analytics 3.1: Water Corporation Domain Only (Excluding Internal Traffic and Bots%2FSpiders) Overview 20160701-20170630. http://Analytics 3.1 Water Corporation Domain Only (Excluding Internal Traffic and Bots%2FSpiders) Overview 20160701-20170630.pdf.
App / Software
StudentVIP. 2017. "Lost on Campus." studentvip.com.au/maps.
Microsoft. (2024). Response to "Identify an ethical issue which may arise when using AI to write an essay." Copilot, December 9. https://g.co/microsoft/copilot/share/cccc26abdc19.
Blog post
Scibilia, Renza. 2023. "Invisible Squared." Diabetogenic: Real Life with Diabetes (blog), August 10. https://diabetogenic.blog/2023/08/10/invisible-squared/.
Tudor, Ken. 2015. "Protecting pets in abusive human relationships." The Daily Vet (blog), June 9. http://www.petmd.com/blogs/thedailyvet/ken-tudor/2015/june/pets-abusive-human-relationships-32819.
Blog post comment
Blog comments are not included in reference lists; instead, they should be cited in the text, in reference to the related post.
In a comment on Scibilia (2023) Jack (on August 31, 2023) shared their experience . . .
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. 2003. Australian Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Management System: A Report to Government by the APVMA - June 2003. APVMA. http://www.apvma.gov.au/publications/reports/docs/registration_review_report_
Shiell, Kevin. 2006. Animal Welfare Inventory Report to AAWS - Livestock Production Working Group. http://www.daff.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0014/152105/aaws_stocktake_livestock_prod.pdf.
Document: no author
Every Victorian has a NURSE-ON-CALL. 2021. Department of Health, State of Victoria. https://www.health.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/2021-11/nurse-on-call-dl-brochure-english.pdf
Email, Text or SnapChat message
These types of material are unpublished personal communications and are not included in the reference list because they do not contain recoverable data. Cite personal communications in the text only.
They are not given formal parenthetical references in the text of an essay or assignment, instead references to this form of material are usually run into the text.
Give the title, given name or initials as well as the surname of the communicator and provide as exact a date as possible:
Professor Visser gave his reasons for closing the laboratory in an e-mail message to the author on January 16, 2022. The reasons given were...
In a text message to the author on February 12, 2022, Dr A.C. Miller stated that ...
Facebook page
National Library of Australia. 2017. "National Library of Australia's Facebook Page." Facebook, August 28, 2017. https://www.facebook.com/National.Library.of.Australia/.
Facebook post
Murdoch University Library. 2017. "Poet Speak." Facebook, October 26, 2017. https://www.facebook.com/murdochlibrary/.
Forum post
Rankin, Marie-Louise. 2023. "Cyber Risk Management Essential Tips and Must Haves." Statistical Society of Australia (forum), October 4, 2023. https://www.statsoc.org.au/Forum-general-topics/13262711.
Comment on forum post
Forum comments are not included in reference lists; instead, they should be cited in the text, in reference to the related post - see Chicago Manual of Style (2017) sections 15.51 & 15.52.
A comment on Rankin (2023) from Francis Hui (on November 7, 2023) highlighted . . .
Persson, Markus, and Jens Bergensten. 2011. Minecraft, October, 2011. Mojang Synergies AB. https://minecraft.net/en-us/.
Instagram post
Murdoch University Library. 2017. "24/7 Refurbishment." Instagram photo, November 29, 2017. https://www.instagram.com/p/BcDkI_rFAqm/.
Instagram post comment
Instagram comments are not included in reference lists; instead, they should be cited in the text, in reference to the related post - see Chicago Manual of Style (2017) sections 15.51 & 15.52.
A comment from leanneroadscholar (on December15, 2017) on the Murdoch University Library (2017) image included . . .
TikTok video
(@SookieandIvy). 2020. “Do Your Dogs Like Any of These Snacks #nomnomnom #tastetesting #WildAnimals #fyp #foryoupage #staffysoftiktok.” TikTok, December 4, 2020. https://www.tiktok.com/@sookieandivy/video/6902524226389953798.
Google. 2023. “Privacy Policy.” Google Privacy & Terms. Effective October 4. http://www.google.com/policies/privacy/.
World Wildlife Fund. 2010. "WWF Action Center." www.worldwildlife.org/pages/action-center.
United Nations. n.d. "Vessel Movements." Accessed April 6, 2023. https://www.un.org/en/black-sea-grain-initiative/vessel-movements.
X Post / Tweet
Kruszelnicki, Karl (@DoctorKarl). 2017. "Dr Karl Twitter Post." Twitter, February 19, 2017, 9:34 a.m. https://twitter.com/DoctorKarl.
YouTube video comment
Comments are not included in reference lists; instead, they should be cited in the text, in reference to the related post - see Chicago Manual of Style (2017) sections 15.51 & 15.52.
A comment on Bet-David (2017) from @afrozau505 (on November 3, 2022) listed 3 reasons to research . . .
Below is a guide to what information you may need to record when citing an electronic document:
• name of author(s) if given
• year or date of publication (or date site was created or updated)
• title of document
• title of web site or database
• pages, sections or paragraphs (if given)
• digital object identifier (DOI) (if given)
• database name (if appropriate)
• internet address (if appropriate)
Criteria for evaluating internet sites and other electronic resources include:
• Who is the author? It is important to check the author's credentials to determine whether he/she has the knowledge and authority to supply credible information. Check to see if any contact details are provided.
• How current is the information? See when the document was created and when it was last updated.
• What is the author's interest in the material? Can you detect any bias in the content and are you able to determine the purpose of the site? Check the web address to identify the type of organisation producing the document. Be aware that commercial interests and some politically motivated sites may not present a balanced view.
• What sort of content is there? Can the content be considered comprehensive and of good quality? Does it provide links to other documents? Check on the audience the information is aimed at.