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• More specific information is available for Books and Journal Articles.
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• Additional information must be provided (depending on the type of electronic publication) to correctly identify that you accessed the document in an electronic format.
• The creators' names are given as they appear on the publication you have used, i.e., use full first name where provided or first name initials where initials only are provided.
• Titles are given maximal capitalisation (title case).
Standard format for citation
Image reproduced in a book:
Artist or Creator's Surname, Given Names. Title: Subtitle. Year of creation. Reproduced in Full details of book. |
Image from a database:
Artist or Creator's Surname, Given Names. Title: Subtitle. Publisher, Year. Database Name, doi or internet address. |
Image from a cinematic work (still) from a database:
Title: Subtitle. Credit Creator Name, Distributor, Year. Database Name, doi or internet address. |
Online artwork:
Artist or Creator's Surname, Given Names. Title: Subtitle. Year of creation. Source, doi or internet address. |
Online image:
Artist or Creator's Surname, Given Names. Title: Subtitle. Year of creation. Source, doi or internet address. |
Original image/artwork (viewed in a gallery or collection):
Artist or Creator's Surname, Given Names. Title: Subtitle. Year of Creation, Gallery or Collection. |
Image/photograph/artwork from a book
Leibovitz, Annie. Olympic Portraits. Little Brown, 1996.
Mapplethorpe, Robert. Some Women. Bulfinch Press, 1989.
Reproduction in a book
Bedford, Paddy. Dingo Dreaming. 2001. Reproduced in McCulloch, Susan, and Emily McCulloch Childs. McCulloch's Contemporary Aboriginal Art: The Complete Guide. McCulloch & McCulloch Australian Art Books, 2008, p. 154.
Image from a book chapter
Ardagna, Claudio Agostino, et al. "Open-Source Solution to Secure E-Government Services." Encyclopedia of Digital Government, edited by Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko and Matti Malkia, e-book ed., Idea Group Reference, 2007, pp.1300-05. IGI Global, www.igi-global.com.libproxy.murdoch.edu.au/gateway/chapter/full-text-pdf/11671.
Hockley, Luke. "Science Fiction." The Television Genre Book, edited by Glen Creber, 2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan, 2008, pp. 36-42.
Image from a journal article
Smith, Paul Julian. "Flight of Fancy." Sight and Sound, vol. 25, no. 1, 2015, pp. 28-31.
Yeh, Quey-Jen, and Xiaojun Xu. "The Effect of Confucian Work Ethics on Learning About Science and Technology Knowledge and Morality." Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 95, no. 1, 2010, pp. 111-28. ProQuest, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-009-0352-1.
Image from a newspaper
Leunig, Michael. "Thoughts of a Baby Lying in a Child Care Centre." The Sydney Morning Herald, July 27 1995, p. 24.
Image from a database
The Making of a Monologue: Robert Wilson's Hamlet. Directed by Marion Kessel, Cinema Guild, 1995. Theatre in Video, search.alexanderstreet.com.libproxy.murdoch.edu.au/view/work/1779981.
Online artwork
Heimans, Ralph. Gloves Off (Tom Uren). 1996. National Portrait Gallery, www.portrait.gov.au/portraits/2000.36/gloves-off-tom-uren.
Nolan, Sydney. The Encounter. 1946. National Gallery of Australia, cs.nga.gov.au/Detail.cfm?IRN=28938.
Online image
Newbold, Curtis R. Can I Use that Picture?: The Terms, Laws, and Ethics for Using Copyrighted Pictures. 2014. The Visual Communication Guy, thevisualcommunicationguy.com/2014/07/14/can-i-use-that-picture/.
Online map
Google Maps. The British Library, London, UK. 2015. Google, www.google.com.au/maps/place/The+British+Library/.
Original image/artwork (viewed in a gallery or collection)
Angus, James. Gorilla, Gorilla, Gorilla. 2006, Art Gallery of Western Australia.