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EndNote 21 guide

Troubleshoot EndNote

How to use the EndNote reference management software

General advice for avoiding errors

Certain errors may arise when using EndNote. Errors are particularly common when inserting EndNote references into a Word document.

Please consider the following general advice and troubleshooting tips when using EndNote:

  • Do you have "Track Changes" turned on in your Word document? Track Changes does not play well with live EndNote code. You can find instructions for managing this on the EndNote website:
  • You may need to update your version to get bug fixes
  • Recovery of a corrupted document and/or library may not always be possible and should be avoided at all costs. Back up your library regularly to avoid losing your references
  • If a problem occurs when you are syncing your library or sharing references using EndNote Online, make sure your Sync Status is up to date.

Curly brackets in Word


The in-text citation in word appears as {Santhanam, 2015 #418}, with curly brackets around the reference.


This can occur when text that includes a formatted EndNote reference has been moved around or copied from another source. If you copy and paste text containing EndNote formatted citations, your library could be corrupted and potentially lost.


To edit a Word document safely, the reference links need to be made temporarily inactive: 

  1. In Word, select the EndNote tab from the ribbon
  2. Select "Convert Citations and Bibliography"
  3. Select "Convert to Unformatted Citations". The reference list will disappear, and your citations will appear in curly brackets, e.g. {Martin, 2018 #17}
  4. Edit your document as needed 
  5. Click "Update Citations and Bibliography" to convert back to formatted citations. The reference list will reappear, and your citations will return to their normal format. If you click on the references, they will be highlighted in grey because they are actively linked to your library once more
  6. Save your document.

EndNote tab missing from Word


EndNote21 tab does not appear in a Word document.

Solution 1 - Install EndNote plug-in

If you installed EndNote on your computer before Microsoft Word, you may need to install the EndNote plug-in manually. See Install Word CWYW on the EndNote website for further instructions.

Solution 2 - Check Word settings

If you installed EndNote on your computer after Microsoft Word, but the EndNote tab does not appear, check the Word settings. 

  1.     Open Word, click on the File ribbon and select "Options"
  2.     Click on "Add-ins"  
  3.     At the bottom of the page, next to "Manage:" set the Drop down to "COM Add-ins"  
  4.     Click "Go"
  5.     Select "EndNote Cite While You Write" (if it is unchecked)
  6.     Click OK.  

If the option to "Disable all Application Add-ins" is checked, tools will not appear. To turn off this setting: 

  1. Click on the File ribbon and select "Options"
  2. Click on "Trust Center"
  3. Click "Trust Center Settings"
  4. Click "Add-ins"
  5. Uncheck "Disable all Application Add-ins (may impair functionality)" and click "OK"
  6. Click "OK"
  7. Exit Word and then re-open it.

Can't access shared library/group

Check with the library owner to ensure you still have access.

"Library is being used by someone else"


Error message: "This library is being used by someone else. Try opening it again later."


This is most likely to happen with shared libraries when they are in the process of being updated by another user.


Try again later. 

If you see this message with a library that is not shared, you may need to create a new local library on your computer (from the copy in EndNote Online) and then try to synchronise again.

Multiple libraries


You are maintaining more than one EndNote library.


Creating multiple new libraries rather than using groups to separate your references.


  1. Save a back-up copy of each library [add link]
  2. Choose which library to make the master working library (or create a new one) and open this library
  3. Select "File ", then "Import". Choose the EndNote library to import
  4. Set "EndNote Library" as the selected file import option
  5. Decide what to do with duplicates
  6. Click "Import"
  7. Repeat with other libraries as necessary
  8. Create a back-up copy of your new master library
  9. Sync with EndNote online