If using EndNote Online isn't an option for you, it's possible to transport a library between computers using a cloud drive, email or a USB drive, along with EndNote's compressed libraries function.
To compress your library:
- Select "File" in the top menu
- Select "Compress Library (.enlx)"
- Choose "Create" if you wish to save the file to a cloud or USB drive, or "Create & Email" if you wish to email it
- Select whether you’d like to save attached PDFs (though please be aware of the potential copyright implications of sharing PDFs outside the University - see link "How can I avoid infringing Copyright?" below for more information)
- Select whether you would like to share "All References in Library", "Selected References" or "All References in Group/Group Set"
- Click "Next"
- Save the file to your desired location
- If you selected "Create & Email" in step 4, your computer will automatically open your default email application.
To open your compressed library on another computer:
- Download the compressed file to your hard drive. This step is critical - if you open the Library directly from the cloud or a USB drive your work may be corrupted
- Double click the downloaded .enlx file or .enl file, or you can select "File", "Import", then "Import EndNote Library".
There are some things to be aware of if you choose to share references via USB or email:
- Libraries that exceed 4GB in size and/or 65,535 files cannot be compressed by EndNote. Please see "Share a large library" below for further instructions
- There is always the potential for file corruption when transporting a library using this method. Syncing using EndNote Online is an easier and safer option if possible. Whichever you choose, always back up your library first
- If you’re using Cite While You Write on any current documents, be aware that this process may cause mismatched references
- Remember that if you are sharing your references with another person using this method, they won’t have access to any new references or updates unless you continually share copies of your compressed library with them
- EndNote libraries are compatible across platforms - you can create your library on a Mac, save it as a compressed library on a USB then open it on a PC (and vice-versa).