We highly recommended that you make regular back up copies of your EndNote library to guard against damage or loss. This also enables you to take your EndNote library with you to another location, and to email part or all of your library to your colleagues.
Your library in EndNote comprises a .enl file and a .DATA folder, which holds various files connected with the library. Both the "Save a Copy" function and saving your library as a "Compressed library" includes the .DATA folder.
Which method you need to use depends on the size of your EndNote library.
To back up your small EndNote library (smaller than 4GB or 65,535 files), save a compressed copy of your library to a cloud drive and/or USB drive. This method can also be used to transfer your library between computers or share your library with others. For more information on sharing a compressed library, see the "Share a compressed library" section of this guide:
To save a compressed copy of your EndNote library:
To back up your large EndNote library (larger than 4GB or 65,535 files), use the "Save a copy" function to back up to a cloud drive and/or USB drive. This method can also be used to transport your library between computers or share your library with others. For more information on sharing a compressed library, see the "Share a compressed library" section of this guide:
If you need to retrieve your library from a back up copy: