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EndNote 21 Guide: Backing Up Your EndNote Library

How to use EndNote 21 reference management software

It is highly recommended that you make a back-up copy of your EndNote library to guard against damage/loss. This also enables you take your EndNote library with you to another location and to email part or all of your library to your colleagues.

Your library in EndNote comprises a .enl file and a .DATA folder which holds various files connected with the library. Both Save a Copy and saving your library as a compressed library includes the .DATA folder.

Use these 2 different methods for different purposes:

Save as a compressed library file to your USB for moving between computers or sharing your library:

  • Open your EndNote library.
  • Go to File > Compress Library (.enlx)...
  • dialogue box will appear.
  • Choose to Create the compressed library or Create & Email (launches your default email system with the compressed library file attached); With or Without File Attachments; including All References in Library or Selected Reference(s) or All References in Group/Group Set.
  • Click Next and save it to your USB.
  • Note: EndNote libraries are compatible across platforms - you can create your library on a MAC, save it as a compressed library on a USB then open it on a PC (and vice-versa).

To restore your compressed library file:

  • Open EndNote.
  • Find the stored file and double click on it.
  • The .enlx file extension (indicating a compressed library) will change to .enl (indicating that it is uncompressed).
  • You can now add references to your library from any computer.

Save a Copy of your library on a different drive or USB as a back-up at a specific point in time.

  • Open your EndNote library.
  • Go to File > Save a Copy.
  • Include the date in the file name and save it on a different drive / USB as a back-up copy.
  • If you then want to add to & work with this copy, you must subsequently save it as a compressed library - each time you Save a Copy a different copy appears (i.e. it doesn't overwrite the existing file).