Find Full Text
EndNote can find and attach full text articles to some references already in your library.
You will need to configure EndNote (instructions above) to use this function the first time.
NOTE: EndNote will not always find the full text article. This may be due to the quality of the data in the reference or the Murdoch University Library may not have a subscription to the journal.
EndNote can be configured to automatically find and attach full text articles to references already in your library.
Setting your preferences will enable you to download and attach PDF files to references in your library.
You will need to move between the Find Full Text and URLs & Links headings in the menu on the Preferences popout box.
To set your preferences:
1. Select Find Full Text
2. Select URL & Links
3. Select Find Full Text
The Find Full Text feature depends on:
Note: If the Find Full Text function does not appear to work when you're off campus check that you have correctly configured EndNote.
Attaching full text manually
If EndNote is unable to find full text (due to firewalls, network speed, non subscriptions etc) you can attach it manually:
To attach a PDF to a reference:
Alternatively highlight the relevant EndNote reference and drag and drop the PDF icon into the reference (this is easiest done with the desktop shown and your EndNote library window minimised).
Extract or delete HTML tags based on their name or whether or not they contain some attributes or content with the HTML editor pro online program.
Importing PDFs
If a PDF contains DOI (Digital Object Identifier) EndNote can import either a single file or a whole folder containing several files and automatically create the reference. To import a file or folder make sure you are connected to the internet.
The reference will be in the Imported References group with the attached PDF. Check that all the reference details are correct.
Automatic PDF Handling
To set up the automatic transfer of PDF's to your library:
Any new PDFs saved will now appear in the PDF folder/Imported (this Imported folder is automatically created by EndNote and simultaneously the imported PDFs will appear as references in your library with the PDF attached.
Annotating PDFs
You can annotate (add your own notes) using sticky notes and highlight text in attached PDF documents
To highlight:
Selecting the option to open the PDF using Adobe Acrobat provides more annotation tools: