You may need to add a reference manually to your EndNote library if the source is only available in print or the online direct export is not available.
It is also useful to understand manual entry so that you can edit your entries.
If you are unsure of the requirements of your referencing style you should refer to Murdoch University Library's Referencing Guides before you start.
To add a new reference manually:
Create a new reference using either of the following methods:
A New Reference window will open
Select the relevant ‘Reference Type’ and enter any reference data that you have
Note: Use ‘Tab’ to move between fields, and ‘Enter’ to add a new line of data, e.g. second author
Save the reference using CTRL+S or clicking ‘Save’
On the Preview tab of the Reference panel, you will be able to see how the reference would look like in a document, in the referencing style of your choice.
To select your required referencing style:
To see a preview of the reference in that style:
Choose from the following ways to populate this field:
NB: It is important that you are consistent with entering the author's name if there is more than one reference by the same author (which is why entering full first names is preferable). Inconsistency in entering author's names can cause unwanted initials in in-text references in your document.
Enter years as four digits e.g. "1999". When appropriate, enter "in press" instead of date or "n.d." for "No Date".
When entering titles:
Enter as required by your referencing style, e.g. "2nd".
When entering page numbers:
Enter the day and month as required by your referencing style, e.g. 28 March
EndNote provides several extra data fields that will not appear in the bibliography, but can be used to organise your references.
These metadata fields include:
Enter the day and month as required by your referencing style, e.g. 28 March
This guide has been based, with permission, on the guide created by the King Edward Memorial Hospital Library.