Cite While You Write (CWYW) allows you to access EndNote from within Microsoft Word to insert citations into the text of your Word documents.
Note that you should install EndNote after you install Microsoft Word because when you install EndNote, an EndNote menu is added to the top toolbar. This menu will not appear if you install Word after EndNote.
Please also note that CWYW cannot be used with Word 365 in your internet browser.
To use CWYW, you will need to download the Microsoft Office suite to your computer.
Murdoch University students can access Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus, which includes Microsoft Office installation, here: Microsoft Office for Students
Configure bibliography
Select a referencing style
Depending on your referencing style, you will need to add the citation in either an Author-Date or Footnote format.
To choose a referencing style:
Before inserting citations, ensure that the output referencing style in Word matches your style in EndNote.
In the Word document, insert the cursor where you want the in-text/footnote citation to appear.
To insert a citation in Author-Date format:
Option 1 - pre-select reference in EndNote:
Once a citation has been added, a full reference will also be added to the bibliography or reference list at the end of your document.
Option 2 - search for reference in Word:
In Word, click on the drop-down arrow next to Insert Citation
Option 3 - export reference from EndNote
Once a citation has been added, a full reference will also be added to the bibliography or reference list in alphabetical order at the end of your document.
For further assistance search the EndNote Knowledgebase
In Word, create the footnote by:
To add a page number to your in-text or footnote citation:
Add another citation to existing citation
When you are reviewing your work, you might find that you need to add more citations to an existing one, because you have discovered another source for that idea.
To edit the citation to add another citation:
The 'Find and Insert my References' window will open
This will take you back to the Edit & Manage citations window
Click Ok to insert the citation into your document
You will see both citations grouped together in the same set of brackets.
The extra reference will be added to the reference list.
For further assistance search the EndNote Knowledgebase
Important: Once you have inserted a citation, you should not edit it directly.
If you make any changes within the brackets of a citation, rather than use the Edit function, the changes will disappear when the bibliography reformats.
Instead, you must use Edit & Manage Citation(s).
When writing your paper, you may need to make modifications to the citations.
One example of this is in an author-date style like APA.
If you have incorporated the author's name into the sentence of your text, you need to edit the in-text citation so that the name is not repeated
e.g. "Thiele (2019) in her analytical piece, offers an alternative hypothesis to the commonly held...."
To edit your citations:
To edit your bibliography/reference list:
When sharing your document with another person, it is best to convert the citations to plain text rather than use the formatting “field codes”.
This is because the other person may not have the same version of EndNote, so the field codes may not work properly.
To convert your citations to plain text:
The citations and bibliography/reference list will be retained in your selected style, but the links to EndNote will be broken.
Important: Once you have inserted a citation, do not edit it directly. If you make any changes within the brackets of a citation it will disappear when the bibliography reformats. Instead, you must use Edit & Manage Citation(s).
To delete a citation:
If you do not cite the reference anywhere else in your paper, the entry will also be removed from your bibliography or reference list.
The in text reference appears as {Santhanam, 2015 #418}
Text including EndNote reference links have been moved around or copied from another source.
If you copy and paste text containing EndNote formatted citations, your library will be corrupted and potentially lost.
Convert to unformatting before moving text around so that the links do not break within Word.
Unformatting can become a default when other Word tools are used, e.g., Track Changes.
To edit a Word document safely, the reference links need to be made temporarily inactive:
Go to the EndNote toolbar in Word.
No Endnote21 tab in Word document for inserting references as you write.
This is an issue with Word settings.
Follow these steps in Word:
If the option to "Disable all Application Add-ins" is checked, tools will not appear. To turn off this setting:
This page has been adapted from the Notre Dame University Library LibGuide