Searching references
You can quickly search your complete EndNote library for a reference:
For more options when searching, use the Search panel. To access this search panel:
Arrangement of columns on home screen
To make other changes to the EndNote display in the main library window:
Sort columns
When you open your EndNote library you will see the different parts of each reference displayed under headings such as Author, Year, Title, Journal etc.
Clicking on any of these headings enables you to order your references via this part either alphabetically or chronologically.
Sort Library
EndNote allows to organise your references into Groups, so you will not need to create separate libraries for subsets of references. Groups appear on the left panel under My Library, and can be renamed or deleted. They can also further organised in Group Sets and moved between Group Sets.
The same reference can be added to several different groups, and references deleted from a group will always remain available in All References.
Custom Groups can be used to manually group references.
Group Sets allow you to organise your numerous groups:
Smart Groups will automatically add references to a group with specific criteria:
Tags are labels that allow you to organise your references easily.
You can add tags to references, customising the colour and name of the tags (e.g., topics: Marine Mammals – blue; projects: Design Thinking S1 – gold; publication types: Systematic Reviews – green; assignments: Assignment 2 - purple).
Multiple tags can be added to a reference.
Tags and the number of references assigned each tag can be viewed in the left hand menu.
Click on a tag to view all references assigned to one tag.
To create a Tag:
Tags can be added when a reference is created or edited:
Add a Tag to an existing reference
1. Highlight the reference you want to delete.
2. Go to References > Move References to Trash.
You can assign your references a rating scale according to your own criteria. Highlight the reference and click in the Rating column to add the number of stars required.
You can search your library for all references of a certain rating. Go to the Search Panel, then select Rating from the dropdown menu. Choose the rating number of stars, then click Search.