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EndNote 21 Guide: Using Travelling Libraries

How to use EndNote 21 reference management software

Travelling Libraries

The Travelling Library function allows you to import references into EndNote from a Word document. For this to work, the references must be formatted – this means they have been inserted into the document using the Cite While You Write plug-in, and the accompanying formatting has not been removed.

We only recommend using the Travelling Library function if you are unable to transport a library using EndNote Online or Compressed Libraries. 

To share a Travelling Library is quite easy – just send a copy of your formatted document to the recipient. Anyone with Word 2007 and EndNote 7 or later will be able to create a library from this document.

The recipient will then need to: 

  • With the document open in Word, click on the EndNote 20 tab 
  • Select Export to EndNote > Export Traveling Library 
  • Export the travelling library to their existing EndNote library 

If you only want to share the references and not the whole document, you can produce the library to give to someone else via email or USB. The process is the same, but you’ll need to export the file to a new library rather than an existing one.

If you want to send the document but not the travelling library, you’ll need to share an unformatted or plain-text version. 

Always back up both your document and your library before using a travelling library.