If syncing, sharing or collaborating using EndNote Online isn't an option for you, it's possible to transport a library between computers using EndNote's Compressed Libraries function.
To compress your library:
To open your compressed library on another computer:
After make any changes, you will need to back up the library to your hard drive then repeat the process by creating a new compressed version of the library, with a new file name, to transfer back to the first computer. Do NOT overwrite the previous version.
You can also use the Compressed Library function to transport a select set of references, or a Group. This is the same process as compressing a whole library, except that you will need to select the group or select your references on the Compressed Library screen.
There are some things to be aware of if you choose to transport references using a Compressed Library.
To share your Compressed Library with a colleague, follow the method for transporting your library, but enter the recipient’s email during the collaboration process or provide them with the compressed library via USB.
Please note that the person you’re sharing with won’t have access to any new references or updates unless you continually share copies of your compressed library with them.
Collaborating using a compressed library works the same way as sharing a compressed library. However, collaborators who have made any changes to the library will need to follow the process of backing up and compressing the updated library, then sending it back to you via email, USB or cloud storage before you can work with it.
If your library is larger than 4GB or 65,535 files, you will not be able to use the Compressed Libraries function. In this case, you will need to create a copy of the library.