Below is a list of Search Help links to major Medical, Molecular & Forensic Science databases:
PubMed is the freely accessible online database of biomedical journal citations and abstracts created by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. MEDLINE is its largest component but it includes other resources.
The Library has access to MEDLINE from both the Web of Science and Ovid platforms. These databases provide more sophisticated search functionality. They also show the FindIt@Murdoch links in their results so that you can access content using the Library's subscription databases.
To access Murdoch University databases, click the link below:
You can search databases by title or use the menu on the left to select your subject area.
You should also check the Multidisciplinary category for databases that cover a broad range of subject areas. These databases are not included in subject-specific lists.
If you are studying a medical- or counselling-based subject, you may also need to refer to the Evidence-Based Practice guide for further information on how to conduct your research.
Beginner study and research support:
Intermediate and advanced research support: