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My Unit Readings: Guide for Teaching Staff

Creating your list

Creating your new list

After setting up your profile, you can begin creating a new reading list.

  1. In the top navigation click on 'My Lists' and select 'Create new list'.
  2. In the 'List name' box, enter your unit code and unit name.
    • Use this format: ABC123 Name of the Unit, e.g PEN307 Physics and Nanotechnology Projects
    • Separate double coded units with a forward slash e.g PEN594/EENV594 Energy Auditing and Management
  3. Link your reading list to the correct unit code. Click 'Select Hierarchy', search for and select your unit, then click 'Save'.
  4. Set the 'Teaching period' (year only) for your unit from the dropdown.
  5. When prompted, click 'I am list owner'.

Once you've completed this, you'll have a blank reading list ready to add your sections, paragraphs and resources.

Structuring your list

A sample reading list showing how a list can be structured is available here: Sample list (remember to log in to see its full functionality).

If you prefer, you can create an unstructured list i.e. without any sections or paragraphs - see Adding resources below.

Adding Sections

You can structure your list using sections. Sections might take the form of Week 1, Week 2 etc., You can also create sections within a section (infinitely!).

  1. If you have an empty list, click on 'section' from the grey box title 'Empty list!'
  2. Alternatively if your list is not empty, move your mouse cursor to where you want to add a section to your list, and choose 'ADD SECTION' from the options that appear in red.
  3. Enter a title for your section and description (will appear under each section heading).
  4. Click 'Save'

Clicking the section options icon (three red vertical dots icon to the right of the section title) will allow you to move or delete your section. If your list or section is quite large, you can use the 'Cut' and 'Paste' option to move it faster.

Step 1

  • If you have an empty list, click on 'section' from the grey box title 'Empty list!'

Step 2

  • Alternatively, move your mouse cursor to where you want to add a section to your list, and choose 'ADD SECTION' from the options that appears in red.

Steps 3 - 4

  • Enter a title for your section and description (will appear under each section heading).
  • Click 'Save'

To move a section:

  1. Click the options icon (three red vertical dots) next to the section header
  2. Click 'Cut'
  3. Move to the new location and hover until you see the red line with 'Paste / Cancel' options
  4. Click 'Paste'.

Note: Ensure you select a blank area or the top of an existing section to paste in. If you paste below an existing section, the whole section will be pasted inside that section. If that happens, just cut and paste again into the correct location.

Adding Paragraphs

Paragraphs might give direction on readings or other instructions and can be placed anywhere in your list (under sections or resources).

  1. If you have an empty list, click on 'paragraph' from the grey box title 'Empty list!'
  2. Alternatively if your list is not empty, move your mouse cursor to where you want to add a paragraph to your list and choose 'ADD PARAGRAPH' from the options that appear in red.
  3. Add text to the box and click 'Save'.

To move a paragraph:

  1. Click and drag the red double-ended vertical arrow to move a paragraph to your desired location.

Clicking the paragraph options icon (three red vertical dots icon to the right of the paragraph title) will allow you to edit, delete, cut or paste your paragraph.

Adding resources to your list

Once you have structured your list (or not), you can start adding resources.

  1. Move your mouse cursor to where you want to add a resource to your list, and choose 'ADD RESOURCE' from the options that appear in red.
  2. From the popup box, browse or search for your resource. Click 'Show more' to continue browsing.
  3. Click on the title of the resource to add it to your list.

When searching resources, you'll see items under the 'Book Search' heading. These are suggested items from other sources and may not be held by Murdoch University Library.

To move a resource:

  1. Click and drag the red double-ended vertical arrow to move a resource to your desired location.

Clicking the resource options icon (three red vertical dots icon to the right of the resource title) will allow you to edit, cut, paste or delete your resource. You can also request digitisation of the item, add a note about the item for students or Library staff.

Step 1

  • Move your mouse cursor to where you want to add a resource to your list, and choose 'ADD RESOURCE' from the options that appears in red.

Step 2 & 3

  • From the popup box, browse or search for your resource. Click 'Show more' to continue browsing.
  • Click on the title of the resource to add it to your list.

To move a resource:

Click and drag the red double-ended vertical arrow to move a resource to your desired location.

To delete a resource:

Click on the options icon (three red vertical dots icon to the right of the resource title).
Click 'Delete' then 'Delete' again to confirm.

Setting resource importance and adding notes

Once a bookmark is in a list, you can set it to either Essential or Recommended.

  1. Click on 'Set Importance' in the bookmark. Choose either 'Essential' or 'Recommended' for readings, and 'Essential textbook' or 'Recommended textbook' for textbooks.

You can also add notes for students or the Library on a bookmark.

  1. Click on 'Edit notes and importance' in the bookmark.

Expected student numbers

You can set the number of expected students that will access your reading list. Adding this information now will make it easier when requesting digitisations.

  1. Access your list, and select 'Edit' button from the options just below the reading list title.
  2. Select 'Hierarchy and student numbers'.
  3. Enter the expected number of students in your unit and click 'Save'.

More helpful tips

Changing the list owner

  1. Navigate to the list you want to change owners for.
  2. From the 'Edit' menu, click on 'Assign list owner'.
  3. Start typing a name or email address and select to assign the owner.

You can only have one list owner per list, but multiple people can edit the list. You can invite others to edit your list by choosing 'Invite list publishers' from the 'Edit' menu.

Publish your list

Once you've arranged and organised your list, its now ready for publishing.

  1. Click the 'Publish' button at the top of the right column.

Remember to publish your list so that students can see the most recent changes.

If you have printed material in your list that need digitisation, you'll need to submit a request.

Request digitisations