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MLA 8th - Referencing Guide

Readers/Study Guides


If an article is reproduced in a Unit reader with full original pagination and bibliographic details, you may cite it as you would the original material and cite the original page numbers.

You should not, however, cite from Unit readers, study guides, or lecture notes if the original material is not reproduced in full with full bibliographic details; you should go to the original source of the information.

If you do need to cite articles from a Unit reader without the full original pagination and bibliographic details, treat the reader articles as if they were book or journal articles. In your citations, refer to the page numbers from the reader, not the original page numbers.


Standard format for citation

Give all available details in the appropriate format for the original material, then add: Reprinted in Title of Study Guide or Reader: Subtitle. Publisher, Year, pp. inclusive page numbers (if available).



Vicary, D., and B. Bishop. "Western Psychotherapeutic Practice: Engaging Aboriginal People in Culturally Appropriate and Respectful Ways." Australian Psychologist, vol. 40, no. 1, 2005, pp. 8-19. Reprinted in Introduction to Psychology and Culture (PSY246): Unit Reader 2009. Murdoch University, 2009.

Study Guides and Readers

Dillard, Annie. “When You Write.” The Writing Life. London: Pan Books, 1990, pp. 3-21. Reprinted in Introduction to Creative Arts (EGL114) Study Guide and Reader. Murdoch University, 2004.

Gilbert, E. "It’s a Guy Thing." Good Weekend, 15 Dec. 2001. Reprinted in Bodies, Sex and Power (WOM104) Study Guide and Unit Reader: Murdoch University, 2004, pp. 59-64.