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Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC)
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Legal Citation is a standardized set of guidelines that allows the writer of legal discourse to refer to legal authorities and sources with enough clarity to enable the reader to find or follow those references.
This referencing of statements and sources of law must be done clearly, concisely and consistently to ensure efficient and accurate location of these resources.
Citation is an essential part of writing at University.
When you write in university you must acknowledge the books, journal articles and other information sources you use in your work.
If you do not acknowledge your sources you are stealing another person's ideas and words, a serious offence in university.
This subject guide contains an online lesson detailing the requirements for citing secondary materials such as books, journal articles, commentaries and legal encyclopaedias, as well as primary materials, such as cases and legislation.
Each topic within the lesson has a series of self test questions designed to assist you in your understanding of legal citation.
The Lesson and associated self test questions contained in this guide take you through the process of learning how to use the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (4th ed, 2018) to recognise and construct citations for the assignments you will submit in the Murdoch University School of Law.
It is not an exhaustive coverage of all of the rules contained within the Australian Guide to Legal Citation, but is a good outline of key materials you will come across during your studies.
Always refer to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation when completing your work.
Consult the AGLC Referencing Style Guide for your everyday use - it includes explanations and examples of the most commonly used resources and rules.
The citation style which is followed by the Murdoch University School of Law is outlined in the
Australian Guide to Legal Citation (AGLC), produced by Melbourne University Law Review Association in collaboration with the Melbourne Journal of International Law.
The AGLC is a very detailed document.
The purpose of this Lesson is to introduce you to the AGLC and to highlight important features with which you will need to be familiar from a very early stage of your legal studies.
It is therefore recommended that you familiarise yourself with the General Rules, found in Part I, and with the rules to which you are directed in the topics which follow.
As you progress through your studies, you will be expected to correctly cite more complex legal materials.
The notes contained in this lesson are not exhaustive, and you will need to refer frequently to the AGLC for further elaboration.
Tip: use the University of Melbourne's re:cite guide to assist with citations.
Especially tricky citations can be addressed to Aus Gde to Leg Citn on Twitter (for all the world to see in perpetuity).
For instance, those undertaking criminology units, may be advised to comply with the APA citation.
This takes into account the material used in that discipline, such as psychological tests, statistics and case studies.
Students in the Business School and other faculties may be required to use Chicago citation.
For information about these and other citation styles see the Library's referencing guides.
It is the responsibility of each student to confirm the citation style required before work is submitted.
If you are unsure, check your unit guide or speak to your tutors and lecturers.