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Case law

International case law

Research case law at Murdoch University Library

UK case law

Example case: A.G. Securities v Vaughan [1988] 3 All ER 1058

The Library may not have a subscription to the full text of a case in the case reporting service cited. Utilise the parallel citations to find another version of the case (but be sure to check that you have the correct case).

See the following tabs for instructions for searching in the most relevant databases.

You can access legal databases via our Databases page:

  1. Type in the party names (no citation)
  2. Select a hyperlinked citation. Check that the list of parallel citations includes the citation given.

When reading a UK case, you may find the following resource useful:

  1. Type the case citation into the Search box, enclosed in double inverted commas: "[1919] 2 KB 571"
  2. Check that the jurisdiction is 'United Kingdom'
  3. Click on the magnifying glass icon for Search
  4. Select the relevant case from the Results list
  5. The Citations & Sources panel lists databases for each of the case citations. Look in the block for the citation [1919] 2 KB 571
  6. Select the logo for ICLR to access the case.

Tip: Click on the 'Precedent Map' tab to see cases that have cited this case.

Other international case law

